In April 2008, a new world record height of 606 m for pumping concrete was set on the Burj Dubai Tower in Dubai. Bryan Orchard looks at the high pressure peristaltic or piston pump technology behind...
A poorly performing pump on an offshore platform, presented a costly challenge to the oil company. Bryan Orchard looks at the solution AxFlow provided; a Waukesha rotary lobe piston pump which could...
Running pumps as turbines is a well-known concept in the water supply industry. It is seen as an efficient method of generating power as well as recovering energy and contributing to savings. The...
In May 2009 the spa town of Baden Baden, Germany, played host to the European Desalination Society’s Conference and Exhibition on Desalination for the Environment - Clean Water and Energy. Discussions...
Wernert NE pumps reduce emissions of sulphur dioxide from coal-burning power stations.
Veolia Water Solutions relates what desalination companies require from the pump industry.
Throughout the Middle East and Arabian Gulf, multi-stage flash evaporation desalination is very much the preferred technology for the production of potable water. Several factors contribute to this,...
The Water Corporation of Western Australia turned on the country's largest seawater reverse osmosis (SWRO) plant back in November 2006, starting the delivery of a planned 45 gigalitres of drinking...