“These Landia mixers continue to keep everything moving and do a very good job for us,” said Scott. “We pull them up every Spring and Fall to pull off any rags and make sure there’s nothing on the magnetic plug rings – and after checking them over, put them right back into service. They’re an integral part of what we do here.”
“We didn’t have to carry out any type of rebuild on the first Landia mixer until it had completed 14 years of service,” he said.
“We look after them properly, but they’re a strong, solid design and very easy to maintain. Equipment should always be maintained properly, but clearly, the mixers made by Landia are truly built to last. After our rotors have been on for an hour and a half, we run the mixers for 45 minutes. At just 13 amps, they are super-low on energy usage, especially when compared to blowers. We’ve just replaced 130-amp (125HP) blowers with new units that are just 50 amps, so it has been a very quick payback.”
Each of the 23 lift stations in and around Gardner are also checked every day to ensure that all of the wastewater is getting through properly. Serving a population that has leapt from 6,900 people (in 1998) to a figure approaching 25,000 today, Scott not only oversees the entire facility, leading and mentoring his team, but also still works as an operator and mechanic/engineer.