Overcoming the challenge of dry running, how Indar is helping Las Vegas deal with its worst drought on record and our Q3 M&A review were the most popular stories on the World Pumps website in November.
1.How to overcome the challenge of dry running
Dry running occurs when a pump operates without adequate liquid. This leads to a surge in pressure, flow or overheating that will instigate a pump failure. As a result, the pumping elements seize up on the shaft. This article explains how the problem can be avoided.
2. How Las Vegas is dealing with the worst drought on record
Facing the worst drought on record in the Colorado River Basin, the Southern Nevada Water Authority (SNWA) is building a low lake level pumping station to ensure Las Vegas and Southern Nevada maintains access to its primary water supplies in Lake Mead.
3. Pumps Mergers & Acquisitions Review: Q3 2017
Pump-related M&A activity in July, August and September 2017.