The new Spooky Nook Sports “Warehouse Hotel”, owned by Sam Beiler, was built in the old Armstrong World Industries distribution center and houses the new rooms in what was previously a warehouse for ceiling and floor tile. The hotel takes aesthetic advantage of the building's steel beams and incorporates geothermal heating, cooling, and reuse of building materials.
Oldcastle Precast provided their OneLift RC611 pump station, with a 25-foot depth and storage capacity of 468-gallons per vertical foot, to accommodate the hotel expansion requirements of needing to maximize holding capacity in a small area of land next to the hotel portion of the complex. The small footprint provided by Oldcastle Precast’s OneLift pump station and the ability to provide the required working volume and emergency storage was just the solution in the small space available.
The OneLift pump station was designed with an integral valve vault built into the unused top portion of the wet well, yielding a single-structure product, that solves the problems of differential settlement found with the conventional 2-structure systems. In addition; the single-structure design, preassembled pump station significantly reduces the product footprint for sites such as Spooky Nook Sports with tight area restrictions.
The manufacturing schedule of the OneLift pump station was also a benefit to Ashlin Woods, the general contractor. The standard design and stock castings allowed Oldcastle Precast to deliver the pump station 6-weeks after release for production.