As China aims to improve its coal mine safety record, it is investing in new, large-scale mining operations with modern equipment, while also improving the safety and productivity of the medium sized enterprises. In order to assist this initiative, RMI has launched a range of high pressure pump stations which are predominantly used for powering the roof support systems.
RMI Pressure Systems has been involved with the Chinese coal mining industry for 30 years, installing high pressure pumping systems across China; attention is now being focused on the smaller mines.
Streamline range
The new Streamline range of pump stations has been developed specifically for the second tier mines and has been created using a standard product offering. This approach has allowed RMI to increase the scale of production, and therefore reduce the manufacturing costs for the range without reducing any of the safety and reliability factors.
Based around its S range of pumps, RMI has developed six models in the Streamline range; three for emulsion systems and three for water systems. The emulsion systems are supplied with three S375 pumps, which operate as duty, assist and standby and are supplied by two tanks. The water systems operate with two S300 pumps, on a duty / standby arrangement, and come with one supply tank. Both systems are controlled by the same technology which is found on the existing range of larger pumping stations.