The six Torishima pumps are all made of duplex stainless steel.
The main technical challenge faced during the bid stage was how to install pumps with a throughput of 35 200m3/h into existing pump chambers originally sized to take pumps with a flowrate of 20 500 m3/h.
Working with BHR at Cranfield, Torishima developed a complex series of anti-vortex devices to eliminate surface and submerged vortices.
With the increased demand from the cooling water system, three existing auxiliary pumps needed to be installed in the same pump chamber, which also required a detailed baffle design.
In 2008, Torishima was awarded the cooling water pump package for the 2x615 MW Zetes II project.
When the 1320 MW Zetes III project is completed, Eren Enerji’s thermal power plant will have an installed power of 2710 MW.