Pressurized water reactors (PWR) use the CUP-TWL pump as the turbine-driven auxiliary feed water (TDAFW) pump, and in boiling water reactors (BWR) as the reactor core isolation cooling (RCIC) pump. The CUP-TWL pump does not require AC or DC power; can pump hot process fluids (>100oC); does not use flammable lubrication; and has a smaller footprint with fewer required parts.
“This teaming agreement provides Westinghouse global nuclear BWR and PWR customers with more options for products and services that will enhance safety across the global fleet,” said Doug Holderbaum, director, Westinghouse Post-Fukushima Safety Products and Services. “The CUP-TWL extended coping package is part of Westinghouse’s larger effort to provide its global customers with products and services that enhance safety while addressing lessons learned from Fukushima.”
The agreement includes new plant applications and operating nuclear power plants worldwide.
The CUP-TWL pump makes it possible for a plant to achieve system operation without supporting AC or DC electrical power, disassembling equipment or making emergency modifications.
Originally developed for maritime applications, the CUP-TWL pump has undergone full nuclear quality assurance. The pump carries several accreditations, including the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) “N” stamp.