Bentley water distribution software updates

Bentley Systems has announced the availability of its WaterCad, WaterGems, and Hammer V8i (Select series 5) information modeling software for the analysis and design of water distribution systems.

The software’s BIM advancements are designed to extend information mobility across water system planning, design, and operations – improving collaboration within and between these phases of the infrastructure lifecycle and facilitating better decision making for enhanced project and system performance.

Real-time-based simulation

New real-time-based simulation capabilities in the Select series 5 releases of WaterCad, WaterGems, and Hammer V8i improve visibility, forecasting, and decision-making support for both modelers and operators. System modelers could benefit from the supervisory control and data acquisition (Scada) data being automatically imported into their hydraulic models for use as initial conditions. System operators could also benefit from the ability to publish model results to the utility’s existing Scada system control screen, helping forecast operating conditions.

Unlike software that aggregates water usage data from multiple water customers to a single spatial location, the WaterCad and WaterGems V8i (Select series 5) software explicitly models water demands for individual water customers in their correct physical locations. This is designed to provide modelers with better visibility and control over where demands are allocated, helping them manage those demands with finer granularity.