Blacoh Fluid Control receives US patent

Location and proximity are key when installing pulsation dampeners and back pressure valves in any pumping system.
Location and proximity are key when installing pulsation dampeners and back pressure valves in any pumping system.

Blacoh Fluid Control, a US company that specialises in pulsation dampening and fluid control equipment, has received US Patent 10,353,409 for its Hybrid Valve.

The company says this is the world’s first combination pulsation dampener and back pressure valve and combines the flow control of a pulsation dampener and the regulation of a back pressure valve in a single piece of equipment.  

Location and proximity are key when installing pulsation dampeners and back pressure valves in any pumping system. A back pressure valve installed in series with a dampener can negate the dampening effect if the valve opens and closes before the dampener is able to capture a full pulse. This can also create too much gain within the back pressure valve but by combining the dampener and the back press valve into a single unit Blacoh has eliminated the most common issues with installation.

In a metering pump system, using a back pressure valve alone does not improve fluid flow. However, when put in series with a pulsation dampener, the flow improves significantly. According to Blacoh performance tests, the performance of the single construction Hybrid Valve gives the steadiest flow.