Xylem Value of Water Index: Americans willing to pay more to improve infrastructure

The Xylem Value of Water Index, a poll of American voters detailing what they think should be done about the country’s water crisis and who should pay for it, also found that most Americans have been affected by water issues and hold all levels of government responsible for investing in water infrastructure.

Eighty eight percent of voters believe US water infrastructure needs reform, up 8% since 2010. Despite recent rate increases, 61% of Americans are willing to pay a little more each month to upgrade US water infrastructure - an average of US$7.70 more per month, up from US$6.20 more per month in 2010. However, few Americans are aware of their water consumption, or the extent to which water infrastructure problems could impact them personally.

“We launched the 2012 Xylem Value of Water Index because we want to determine exactly what people think about water and what they are willing to do to ensure they have access to this vital resource,” said Gretchen McClain, Xylem’s president and CEO. “Keeping our water systems running efficiently to provide safe water to our citizens must become a national priority, and as the Index demonstrates, a majority of Americans agree. This unseen crisis must become a shared responsibility.”

The Value of Water Survey was first issued in 2010.