Vladislav Vorotnikov writes:
So-called Association Agreement with the EU which Ukraine is going to sign in late November of this year could significantly increase the popularity of heat pumps in the country, local experts predict.
“In Europe, this type of heating system is popular because of too expensive gas” – says Vyacheslav Dzhedzhula PhD, experts of the alternative forms of energy. “In our country this area is not developed yet. For heat pumps it is hard to compete with conventional heating boilers, as they payback period In Ukraine is very huge - about 15-20 years”.
However, local analysts predict, the association with the EU may increase the cost of gas due to the worsening of political relations with neighboring Russia. At the same time, the cost of purchasing of heat pumps in Europe after the creation of a free trade area will be significantly lower than it is now.
"Ukraine is a promising market for foreign manufacturers. The use of heat pumps here in the next years certainly will grow - there are all conditions for this, and the signing of the Association Agreement with the EU can be the factor that will give impetus to the rapid development of the this are" – Vyacheslav Dzhedzhula adds.