With flood protection in a UK county being provided by the emergency services it is only right that they are provided with the best resources. SuperBetsy is a complete, versatile, mobile pumping system, which proved ideal for the task, offering flexibility and value for money.
Under the UK’s Flood & Water Management Act of 2010, County Council of Lincolnshire is responsible for managing flood risk from surface water, ground water and ordinary watercourses, including drains which can be easily overwhelmed following heavy rain. To facilitate this, they have implemented a Flood Risk and Drainage Management Strategy with other risk management partners, a strategy which has been commended nationally. Paul Brookes, Flood Risk Manager for Lincolnshire County Council, states: “As a Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA) we have a duty to prepare for flooding, and although the LLFA plans for such events, the emergency operational response to protect property and life is actually provided by our Fire & Rescue colleagues. I am pleased to be able to work together in this way with the Fire & Rescue Service, and the two Hidrostal “SuperBetsy” pumpsets will enhance the resources available to deal with localised flooding in Lincolnshire."
Mobile pump system The SuperBetsy pumping system is the third generation of mobile diesel pumpsets from Hidrostal. It is the only mobile pump system to incorporate the Hidrostal screw centrifugal pump with a diesel drive in an insulated housing. The SuperBetsy enclosure is a high quality, all-steel construction with a ridged, galvanised frame and lockable, coated access doors, ensuring longevity in inclement weather conditions.
Sound proofing The specially designed sound proofing limits noise levels to a maximum of 65 dB at 7 m, making it suitable for deployment in a residential area. It also incorporates a five-day diesel fuel tank and, to protect the environment against the risk of polluting drips and spills, a water tight bund is integrated within the enclosure base, capable of holding more than a full tank of fuel. Easy access For this application the pumpset is supplied vinyl wrapped in the Fire Service livery and mounted on a highway compliant, twin axle trailer which will be towed by a 4 x 4 vehicle. The trailer, also carrying the pump’s suction pipes and delivery hoses, is supplied with drop sides for easy access and to create a working platform for the operator. Once the hoses are connected, the pumpset is operated by the push of a button. The two, SuperBetsy units have been specified and constructed to provide a complete, versatile, mobile pumping system allowing Lincolnshire Fire & Rescue Service fast deployment by only two operators, freeing up vital resources to be used elsewhere. Hands-on demonstration To ensure that the SuperBetsy pumpset would meet the needs of the Lincolnshire County Council and Lincoln Fire & Rescue, Hidrostal arranged a hands-on demonstration earlier this year at Station 20, Lincoln South Fire Station. At this event, the SuperBetsy was thoroughly tested by a team of fire crew who were impressed that the pump emptied the onsite water pit, containing approximately 2,500 litres of water, in under a minute. The two Hidrostal mobile diesel pumpsets were delivered to the Fire & Rescue Training Facility in Waddington last week. Spencer Creek, the Station Manager in charge of ESN Implementation, was delighted to take receipt of them. He states: “The partnership between Lincolnshire Fire & Rescue and our colleagues in Flood Risk Management is really breaking new ground. With the appointment of these new pumps to our arsenal we can extend the range of services that we can offer.” “Our team previously had 48 high power pumps in their portfolio. As these pumps are 12 years old, maintenance costs are high. To add the two new Hidrostal high volume pumps to the mix will deliver great value for money and a large degree of flexibility to our operations. The fact that we had the chance to offer our technical opinion on the equipment before purchase ensures that the pumps are fully specified to our exact requirements.”