Atlas Copco’s Industrial Vacuum division has launched the DHS 065-200 VSD+ dry screw vacuum pump.
The manufacturer says that the pump offers lower lifecycle costs, higher productivity, less energy consumption and easy maintenance. Built for rapid cycling and continuous operation applications, the DHS VSD+ has been designed as a clean, zero contamination dry vacuum pump that requires no water or oil cooling.
Oil free Certified as oil-free in the category ‘Class Zero' according to ISO standard 8573-1, the pump is free of oil emissions; including aerosol oil content in the outlet air stream. The reduced number of parts within the pump combined with the variable pitch screw design aim to increase efficiency and reduce maintenance.
Due to the completely dry operation of the DHS 065 - 200 VSD+, no oil migrates in the pump environment. It helps to create a cleaner and safer working environment.
The pump is housed in a noise reducing canopy to ensure quiet, vibration-free operation with a low pitch sound level. It is equipped and controlled with the MK5 Elektonikon®, which integrates the pump to plant management systems. Data monitoring Users get the latest status updates on running and stopped hours, warnings, and fault and shutdown indications. Combined with Atlas Copco’s SMARTLINK data monitoring program, the pump offers unrivalled remote monitoring capabilities.
Reduced maintenance is an integral feature of the DHS VSD+ series. The grease-lubricated bearings and the belt are the only parts that require replacement. The belt itself can be changed without external service support within 30 minutes.The canopy retains the integrity of the internal parts and can be removed.