The CELL682 system provides simplex or duplex alternating pump control using a level transducer or float switches. The unit can also perform machine-to-machine (M2M) control among multiple CELL682 devices. “Users can configure up to eight M2M control algorithms per device, so that input conditions on one CELL682 can logically control outputs on another using simple, fill-in-the-blank comparison programming,” said Robert Fusco, Sensaphone’s technical support and service manager.The CELL682 system communicates via standard cellular networks provided by AT&T or Verizon and can monitor up to 14 critical conditions including tank levels, turbidity, pump status, flow rates, security, power failure and equipment failure. If the system detects a potential problem, it sends alarm notifications to up to 24 voice, text or email destinations. Users can access status information and make programming changes via a web portal. In addition, the CELL682 system is sealed in an enclosure to protect it from harsh conditions.