The market meanwhile fully accepts the considerable advantages of the HyghSpin screw spindle pumps relating to application flexibility and economic efficiency. For the handling of non-flowable products Jung Process Systems executed the feed screws of their pumps series with extruder parts which feed the product from underneath of the hopper.
This new construction is specially suitable for doughs, cake stuffings, peanut creams, pastes, sausage meat and all other products which have to be supplied conventionally into the feed chamber of the pump by means of auxiliary devices.3-in-1 – Conveying, CIP procedure and product supply
Applicable to the food industry
HyghSpin twin screw pumps are in a position to transport without any difficulties products with a viscosity of up to 1.000.000 cPs. In case completely non-flowable products are handled – as it is very often applicable in the food industry – only compulsory conveyance into the pumps can be effected. For this purpose external extruders are generally applied. This complete system is expensive and offers only bad cleaning results. The moment the product then enters the feed chamber of the pump, the normal mechanisms react for pressure increase.
This is the moment when the advanced construction of the HyghSpin pumps of Jung Process Systems turns up. For all products which are incapable to freely flow the engineers of Jung Process Systems developed a feed screw extruder entity. The pump medium supply is effected in the extruder area which is positioned underneath the feed hopper, the pressure increase in the pump zone itself with individually designed feed screws. This innovative solution facilitates very gentle product conveying, avoids the external extruders for feeding and allows to effect CIP procedure with the same pump, as usual.
Availability for pump sizes 70, 90 and 125
The new feed screw extruder device is available for the pump sizes HyghSpin 70, HyghSpin 90 and HYGHSPIN 125. A maximum feed quantity of approx. 20 m3/h can be achieved, the differential pressure of the standard execution is max.10 bar. The users can rely on the approved HyghSpin advantages. The pump corresponds to the construction principles of the Hygienic Design. They are manufactured completely in stainless steel. The contact-free operating feed screws guaranty an absolutely gentle conveying at low pulsation. The mechanical seals are completely located in the flow area, thus guarantying an excellent cooling and cleaning. All product-contact elastomers are executed as easily cleanable form rings corresponding to FDA approval.