The YWPs have been selected for the joint IWA-Grundfos Youth Action for SDG6 (Sustainable Development Goal 6) Fellowship. Goal 6 is ensuring access to water and sanitation for all.
The YWPs, together with IWA and Grundfos, will play a key role advocating for a water-wise world and youth empowerment throughout the Fellowship. They will take part in a special programme of activities, including participation in the UN 2023 Water Conference.
The group was identified following a rigorous selection process. The open call for applications for 12 Fellowship places last November received several hundred applications from around the world. The selection process ensured a balanced geographical representation and gender diversity. As part of Grundfos’s wider support for YWP action on the SDGs, the group also includes two YWPs from the company.
The 14 youth delegates will be part of the IWA delegation to the UN 2023 Water Conference, which also includes IWA and Grundfos staff.
The selected YWPs are:
- Charles Shachinda, United Kingdom
- Chelsea Hayward, Australia
- Farokh laqa kakar, Canada
- Hadi Toure Guindo, Mali
- Ines Breda, Denmark
- Jacob Amengor, Ghana
- Marina Batalini de Macedo, Brazil
- Muhammad Anique Azam, Pakistan
- Pabel Cervantes, Mexico
- Persis Ramírez, Dominican Republic
- Sudipti Arora, India
- Yang Villa, Philippines
- Krithika Iyer Shivakumar, India (Grundfos)
- Krisztian Mark Balla, Denmark (Grundfos)