Krohne’s new PipePatrol pipeline monitoring is a suite of software modules for long or short distance single and multiproduct pipelines for oil, gas, water, chemical or refined products.
PipePatrol has eight modules which cover leak detection, theft detection, stress monitoring, line break detection, tightness monitoring, batch tracking, pump monitoring and predictive modelling.
The leak detection module has PipePatrol E-RTTM (Extended Real Time Transient Model) based leak detection and localisation for liquids and gases. It is complemented by the theft detection module for identification and localisation of unauthorised or illegal product discharges, and the tightness monitoring module to detect small or gradual leaks.
The line break detection module uses pipeline rupture pattern recognition for automatic emergency shutdown in case of a line break. The batch tracking module for batch and interface tracking in multi-product pipelines and the stress monitoring module for evaluation and documentation of lifetime stress complement the operational modules.
Finally, the pump monitoring module enables predictive maintenance by monitoring essential mechanical, electrical, and hydrodynamic measurement values while the predictive modelling module forecasts pipeline operation and identifies possible threats such as shortage in supply or pressure violations.