The Swiss company Maag Pump Systems AG is realigning its branding and corporate strategy.
Having made a number of acquisitions in recent years and significantly expanded its product portfolio, Maag Group is now bundling its activities into four centres of excellence: Pump & Filtration Systems, Pelletizing Systems, Pulverizing Systems, and Recycling Systems.
All of the companies will be managed as product brands – Automatik, Ettlinger, Gala, Maag, Reduction and Scheer – under the Maag Group umbrella brand.
“The focused market orientation, with our products and services spread across four centres of excellence, will play a major role in the Maag Group’s further international growth in the coming years,” said group president Ueli Thuerig. “Our aim with the new umbrella brand strategy is to strengthen our identity on the market. The established product brands enjoy great trust and confidence among their customers, and will remain specialists in their respective market segments, yet work close together when integrated systems solutions are required.”
“We expect the integration of all our product brands under the umbrella of the Maag Group to provide us with a further boost to innovation in cutting-edge technology, even higher standards in our worldwide after-sales service, and even better solutions to meet demanding customer requirements in the production, processing and recycling of polymers,” added Thuerig.
The new brand and business strategy will be presented for the first time at K 2019, which will be held 16–23 October 2019, in Düsseldorf, Germany.