The wastewater treatment plant, which uses biological treatment processes with activated sludge followed by ultrafiltration membranes, will serve 47 000 residents within the city and 700 000 tourists in the region annually.
The new plant, which was inaugurated in March 2014, is one of Sulzer’s most comprehensive wastewater projects, with the Swiss company supplying a total package to the treatment plant and connected lifting stations. Sulzer supplied four ABS HST 9000 turbocompressors, approximately 3000 fine-bubble disc diffusers, eight ABS RW submersible mixers and 13 ABS XFP sewage submersible pumps, including installation and start-up services.
The wastewater treatment plant is a partnership between Sabesp, the public water and wastewater utility in the State of São Paulo, and Araucária Saneamento SA, a consortium of private companies headed by GS Inima Brasil.
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