WEG has released its newest line of open three phase induction motors, available with standard frame sizes from NEMA. This new motor design can be used in compressors, blowers, oil well and fire pumps and industrial refrigeration applications. All models meet or exceed NEMA standards as well international efficiency requirements.
The W40 motor line comes with standard features such as a rated output of 60Hz at 15 to 2,250 HP, either 2 or 4 pole models in NEMA frame sizes from 254T – L6808/09. Input voltage can be from 208 to 4,160V available with ODP (IP23) protection for frames 256T to L5810 and WPI (IP24) protection for frame L6808/09. As an option, models are also available with 5,000 – 6,000V, 6 or 8 pole, and WPI and WPII protection for frame sizes 5010 and up.
The ODP version of this new motor is an effective option for applications which do not need a high level of protection from the elements. Due to its open enclosure and new motor design it can achieve higher output levels when compared with TEFC motors. The result is a cost effective solution for driven equipment.
Also, new IEC 365, 400 and 450K/J as well as L5010 and L6808/09 frame sizes are available in the W40 motor line with both 50 and 60 Hz versions available with ratings from 600 – 2,250 HP. This represents a significant increase in output power with lower noise levels, improved mechanical stiffness and excellent heat dissipation.