Italian manufacturer of electric pumps and submersible motors for both civil and industrial use, Caprari’s says its products are among those the regulation defines as ‘reference for the best technology available on the market’ since they possess MEI 0.70 to 0.80.
The European Directive ErP (Energy related Products-2009/125/EC) defines a general legislative framework concerning the consumptions of ‘devices that consume energy’ to which all manufacturers must conform.
EU Regulation 547/2012, which specifically covers water pumps, establishes a minimum efficiency index (MEI) for certain types of water pumps (those belonging to Lot 11 at the moment), a different parameter not to be mistaken with product efficiency.
Application of the directive will permit only products possessing the following specifications to be sold: MEI ≥0.10 from January 2013; MEI ≥0.40 from January 2015. Moreover, the benchmark defined by Regulation 547/2012, ie ‘benchmark reference for the best available technology on the market’, refers to pumps with MEI ≥ 0.70 to 0.80. The new Regulation provides an analytical method for calculating/assessing the MEI of a pump.
Consistent with the European directives (most particularly ErP), Caprari has been promoting and manufacturing high-efficiency motors for some years.
Caprari says that care for the environment is a very important value for the company. It means considering the use of eco-efficient tangible and intangible resources in all phases of the production cycle to be of priority importance.
Caprari is keen to point out that it keeps all the phases of its manufacturing activities under strict control. This policy begins with its actual planning philosophy, which has always opted for processes that use the least possible energy, and continues through to choice of the materials used and the manufacturing tools employed.