According to P&M, storms can trigger a natural flushing mechanism within UK mains sewers with the excess foul water carrying larger quantities of rag and debris into the works, often resulting in the main invert system being overridden, choking pumps and flooding tanks, even to the extent of compromising local water courses. Stormthrust can condition and effectively deal with problem solids and rags without causing the blockages that occur with traditional methods. The system incorporates a Vaughan Chopper pump which conditions the heavy solids and creates sufficient flows through multiple high velocity venturi nozzles located on the floor of the tank. The result is comprehensive solids suspension and as liquid levels fall, the system will direct flow towards the drain end of the tank. This process removes the majority of debris and settlement ensuring improved tank conditions and cleanliness compared to current systems. Following extensive trials P&M Pumps reports that 21 Stormthrust systems are currently being installed at two large Thames Water sites. Bespoke tank designs are also available.