“The pump industry as an enabling industry for all kinds of fluid transport has achieved a high reputation within and outside Europe,” said Dr Brodersen. “This is mainly due to the fact that we are strongly engaged in sustainable solutions for energy savings with direct benefits for the environment, our customers and the competitiveness of our member companies. I am glad to be engaged in this process. I will stay this course and give my best to increase our efforts and communication to European officials and other stakeholders.”
Dr Brodersen takes over as president of Europump from Jérôme Duprez of Ensival-Moret.
Italy's Carlo Banfi, Sterling Fluid Systems SpA, and Denmark's Soren Smedegaard, Smedegaard A/S, were elected Europump vice presidents.
The newly elected Europump Council members are:
- Jan Capka, Sigma Group as, Czech Republic
- Manolis Damigos, Drakos Polemis, Greece
- Ken Hall, Calpeda Ltd, UK
- Markus Hagmann, Sulzer Ltd, Switzerland
- Vladimir Karakhanjan, RPMA, Russia
- Kutlu Karavelioglu, POMSAD, Turkey
- Gheorghita Pandelea, APPR, Romania
- Pierre Plateus, Ensival-Moret, Belgium
- Teijo Rajamaki, Sulzer Pumps Finland OY, Finland
- Mariola Szyszkowiak, Leszczynska Fabryka Pomp Sp zoo, Poland
- Karl Sohlberg, ITT Water & Wastewater, Sweden
- Ronald De Vries, Sterling Fluid Systems (Netherlands) BV, the Netherlands